KUKA industrial robots are designed to work year-round, continuously and without problems. The purpose of maintenance is to reduce and prevent possible problems in the transmission and control systems of robots. In addition, during robot maintenance, the technical condition of the entire device is reviewed, and the robot controller also needs maintenance.
The exact content of maintenance for KUKA robots depends on the type of robot, but every device needs at least a scheduled inspection and minor maintenance once a year. Basically, the maintenance schedule is calculated according to the hours worked. The robot controller can also notify itself of its need for maintenance, but maintenance should be planned in advance for intervals of every 5,000 hours, 10,000 hours and also 20,000 hours. In other words, regular maintenance no less often than once a year and more comprehensive maintenance every five years.
A properly maintained and well-maintained industrial robot will serve for a long time, and timely maintenance also ensures the maximum useful life of all moving parts of the robot. Repairing equipment, which is meant to always be in motion, is already much more expensive and time-consuming than easily planned maintenance.

Basic maintenance processes:

 Visual inspection
 Inspection of gearboxes
 Data backup
 Replacement of wear parts and oils corresponding to the type of robot, lubrication of axles

Ask for more information

Alas-Kuul AS, being KUKA's system partner for robots in Estonia, carries out maintenance work according to the factory's standards, and our specialists have received appropriate training for this at KUKA.